Year 3’s trip to Oxford – February 25th 2020

On Tuesday February 25th Moulton and Pitsford were taken on a school trip to Oxford, to visit the Natural History Museum and the Pitt Rivers Museum. Both classes took part in a Mayan workshop and they tried on traditional Mayan clothes.

We studied the replica Mayan artefacts and tried to guess what they were used for and examined copies of rare Mayan books and illustrations.

Both classes had free time in the Natural History museum where we looked at fossils, rocks and stones. We looked at life size models of dinosaur skeletons and learned about the natural world. We saw skulls and skeletons of whales, hippos and many other animals.

Year 3  learned many new things!

The day after our visit we received a lovely email from the museums praising the behaviour of all the children. The museum staff were very impressed with the interest and engagement shown by both classes throughout the day.

We are very proud of the children at our school.

Well done Moulton and Pitsford!