In this section
Collective Worship
Our Collective Worship is planned around our core Christian Vision, Values and the Christian calendar.
Worship plays an important part in our school day. We aim for worship to be integral to our work within school, rather than stand-alone sessions. The whole school joins together daily to share inspirational messages, sing songs and offer prayers. The offer to join in a prayer is always invitational, nobody is required to join in if they do not wish to.
Worship is led by the Head Teacher. All teaching staff, Rev’d Richard, our Parish Vicar, other Christian visitors and, most importantly our children are part of delivering worship regularly.
We embrace the guidance set out by the Church of England about the value of Collective Worship and plan inspirational and exciting worship throughout the year. Please see the Statement of Entitlement for Collective Worship below for further information.
Click here to see Statement of Entitlement Collective Worship Guidance
Please click the links below to see our curriculum overview for Worship.