In this section
Year 1
Welcome to our page all about Year 1!
Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. In Year 1, we are looking forward to a year of exciting and stimulating learning opportunities for the children.
In Year 1, there is Mrs Frost (Class Teacher), Miss Dennison (Class Teacher) Miss Wood (Teaching Assistant). Mr Dalton, and Mrs Lightfoot will be covering during the week in Year 1, so you may see their faces at the end of the day!
In Year 1, we try and encourage the children to be even more independent and responsible for their belongings. It is their responsibility to put their reading book in the box every day and to remember to take it home with them at the end of the day.
Reading in Year 1...
The children will be able to change their reading book every Monday and Thursday if they have read at home and the Diary has been signed. Please feel free to write any comments in the Diary too. They will need to bring their reading books /Diary every day as the children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school.
PE will be on Monday and Thursday every week.
Please ensure that on this day your child has their PE kit in school, long hair tied back and earrings out.
In Year 1, the children still have the opportunity to have a free healthy fruit snack during their morning break. They are also allowed to bring a water bottle into school to have during the day too. Please ensure that their water bottle is named as many of the children have similar bottles.
Finally, please could you ensure that all of your child’s uniform, including P.E and coats are named. This enables the children to be much more independent and responsible for looking after their property.
Thank you.