
As a Church of England School, our Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. Across our curriculum, in the day-to-day life of the school, and through our ‘I ASPIRE’ values, we aim to develop:


Independence (children independently applying skills, challenging themselves and being curious)


Ambition (risk taking, to have raised ambitions of what they can achieve, do and be)

Self-control (controlling emotions in difficult situations, coping with disappointment)

Perseverance (building resilience and not giving up)

Integrity (doing the right thing when no-one is watching)

Responsibility (being a model citizen, contributing and understanding all actions have consequences)

Empathy (building caring relationships, understanding the views and beliefs of others)

Our values are based on Christian virtues and each value is covered in detail through daily Collective Worship and in the classroom. Assembly time or Collective Worship is regarded as a time for Christian reflection, singing praises, prayer and worship.

A supportive, caring, family ethos permeates school life. Everyone is expected to live and work to our values. These include obvious values such as respect, love, peace, honesty, co-operation, as well as others that may not be quite so recognisable such as responsibility, freedom, commitment, humility, integrity, courtesy, faithfulness and wisdom.

All achievements are valued and we actively encourage children to celebrate with their peers and learn from them too.