Ethos & Values

Distinctively Christian at St. Andrew’s CEVA Primary School

We know that faith is the central focus of all we do at school. It defines our common aims and objectives and provides us with a framework for working together and loving one another. Our vision for our school community is simple but powerful,

St. Andrew’s Church of England Primary School is committed to providing a safe and caring Christian environment in which every individual is valued and encouraged to engage in lifelong learning.

Our vision statement has been created by the pupils, governors and staff and is supported by a Biblical quote;

With God ALL things are possible’ Matthew 19:26

We truly believe that everyone within our community has something to add to us as a group and, with God’s guidance, we will recognise and nurture talents to make us stronger together.

The Governors and staff believe that Christianity is an integral part of every aspect of our daily lives at St. Andrew’s Primary School. In our last SIAMS inspection report it says;

‘Christian values are embedded in the life of the school and have a major impact on the very good personal and spiritual development of the pupils’

Visitors and inspectors have recognised the positive impact of our strong Christian ethos on our learners and in our 2016 SIAMS Inspection our school was judged to be GOOD.

Most important to us is that Christian values underpin all of our learning, and enable our children to become caring, respectful and thoughtful members of our community. We actively encourage the children to uphold our values at all times and we have school values on display, both in classrooms and in the hall. Parents and visitors to our school recognise that our strong values help to nurture the wellbeing, safety and confidence of our children.