Year 2’s Home Learning

Over the past few weeks, we have been seeing some wonderful work being uploaded via the Google Classroom and through our paper home learning packs. 

We are very proud of and grateful to all of the families for their continued support and positive comments during this very challenging time.

Here are a few pictures of some of the wonderful work that has been produced at home by some of the children in Year 2, Wilby and Ecton Class.

Year 2’s Passport Task- Learn to count to 10 in Spanish

One of the children’s tasks, was linked to their passport statements, which we aim to complete by the end of the academic year- to learn to count to 10 in Spanish. 

We had lots of wonderful videos sent in, as well as photos of the children working on their Spanish task.

In these pictures, we can see David learning the names of each of the numbers in Spanish and then matching the word cards, written in Spanish to the corresponding numeral.

Bien hecho David! Well done David!

E-Safety Awareness

As many of you are accessing your classwork via the internet and Google Classroom, we posted tasks linked to ways in which you can keep yourselves safe whilst online.

Marlee- Rae created her own staying safe online superhero, which has the superpowers of love and kindness. Well done Marlee-Rae!

English- Acrostic poems linked to our whole class text The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith

For our English tasks, we have been exploring key images from Once upon a picture and Pobble 365, where a hedgehog needed a hug. We then had reading comprehensions linked to this to complete, along with listening to Mrs. Causebrook share the story of the Hodgeheg with us at the end of every day during our story time.

Our end of the week task, was to create an acrostic poem based on everything that we had learnt over the week about hedgehogs.

Here are 4 lovely examples submitted on Google Classroom by Sophia, Harrison, Russell and Beatrice.