Year 2’s Healthy Party – Thursday 22nd October 2020
On Thursday 22nd October, Year 2 held their healthy party to complete their Connected Curriculum Unit of- Can Party Food be Healthy?
We spent time during this unit planning, preparing and organising all of the things which we felt we needed to hold a successful party. We designed and made party hats, explored what it means to be healthy and identified the different food groups which we should be eating every day.
We also, learnt dances for our party, as well as learning about other ways to be healthy, including good hygiene, having enough exercise and staying hydrated.
We designed bunting pennants and also a fruit and vegetable table cloth using our own printed designs.
We planned and created our own menus of the healthy foods and drinks that we would like to have for our party and carried out votes for our favourites in both Wilby and Ecton Classes.
We decided that our menus would be:
- Ham sandwiches
- Sugar free strawberry jelly
- Small fairy cakes
- Strawberry and apple slices
- Apple juice
- Water
- Tea
We prepared the foods and drinks for our party ourselves and in the afternoon of Thursday 22nd October, we held our healthy party.
Here are some of the children’s comments about the party. –
“It was fun in the photo booth.” Eric
“It really was the best day ever!” Beverley
“The food, the food, the food!” Phillip
“The strawberries and apples were delicious!” Emile
“I really loved making the sandwiches. I hadn’t made them before.” Jacob
“Can we do it again?” Beatrice.