The Fire Brigade Visit Year 2!
On Friday 15th November, Year 2 had a visit from Moulton Fire Brigade, who came in to support the work that we have been exploring as part of our history focus centred on the Great Fire of London.
White Watch spoke to us about fire safety in the home and that our adults at home should be checking smoke alarms regularly to ensure that they are working. They also explained how important it is to be careful around matches, lighters and candles and that it is an adult’s responsibility to use these.
We then had the opportunity to explore the fire engine, looking at all of the tools and equipment that they have to use on a day to day basis. We saw an enormous pair of metal cutting scissors called the ‘Jaws of Life’ which are used to cut people out of cars following a road traffic accident. We each had the opportunity to use the hose to imagine that we were putting out an imaginary fire. The water pressure was really strong.
White Watch also allowed us into the back of the fire engine, where we got to see the additional tools and equipment that they have to use for rescues. The firefighters have to carry a lot of kit for all eventualities.
We had a really great afternoon and our favourite part was when they put on their flashing blue lights and the sirens.