Macmillan Bake Off Results!!
What a fantastic Bake Off Competition St Andrew’s had!!! On Thursday the school was full of fantastic bakes, cakes and delicious delights that the children had baked for the Macmillan Coffee Morning competition. There were so many different styles, sizes and flavours it made judging super difficult!! The School Council members and staff spent quite a long time looking at every single one and discussing which were their favourites and we are pleased to announce the winners were:
Best Bake – Key Stage 1 – Maja
Best Bake – Key Stage 2 – Kaiden
And most interesting Bake – Charlie
But it was a difficult choice as there were so many to pick from.
After school a cake stall was held in the MUGA and it was extremely well supported; the ladies serving were swamped with customers and nearly every cake was sold! And we are pleased to announce that we raised an amazing £236.52!! A big thank you to everyone who either helped their child bake a cake, or came along and bought some of the tasty cakes!!
Here are a selection of the cakes: