IMPORTANT! Online Safety for your children

Online Safety – App ‘’

Northamptonshire Police would like to bring to the attention of parents the app ‘’. This is a live video streaming app where users can broadcast live-streaming videos and watch others’ videos. The terms of use specify that users must be 18 years of age or have parental permission to use the tool.

We have been made aware of an out of force investigation where a young child has been directed by a suspect to engage in sexual activity and this stream has been viewed over 15000 times.


Parents should also be aware that in relation to the latest Snapchat update, public settings allow users to someone’s exact location. It produces a map which allows you to see their exact location down to the house they are in. Snapchat “hotspots” allow anyone to see snapchats that are set to public, you do not need to have added any of these people to get and the update is worldwide.

Children and young people are vulnerable for a number of reasons to being sexually exploited through the use of the internet and in particular social media.

The internet is an amazing resource and tool but sadly does come with risk. Northamptonshire Police promote regularly to young people how to use it but safely. Below are some great tips that you can implement within your home to keep your children safe online.

Safety Tips for Parents/Carers

o   Set up smart-phone free zones: It’s impossible to monitor everything and as young people get older they will try and get round blocks and settings. So for example upstairs is always free of technology.

o   Be a strong digital role model: Parents Practice what you preach. If you are constantly on a phone or tablet then your children will potentially imitate that behaviour.

o   Digital sunset: No technology or devices for at least 30 mins before bed and set firm time limits on all devices. Including parents! Phones, tablets etc are left downstairs and buy an alarm clock, don’t go to bed with a phone or tablet. 

Please can we ask all parents to reiterate online safety to their children and be aware of what apps or sites their children are visiting. If parents require any guidance around online safety below are a number of websites that may assist.

If you identify that your child has been a victim of an online crime please contact Northants Police on 101, ensuring that you secure any devices used without deleting any correspondence.